Monday, 25 July 2016


Ruby originally comes from different areas of Burma (now known as Myanmar). These include Sagyin (near Mandalay), Thabeitkyin, Mogok (Northern Myanmar), Mong Hshu (Central Shan State) and Naniazeik (near Myitkyina) of Myanmar. Most famous is the Mogok Stone Tract, which has remained the world's premier source of ruby for more than 800 years. The history of the mines here is long, complex, and turbulent. Gems occur in a gravel layer (known as “ byon” in Myanmar) at a depth of 20 to 100 feet and are recovered by washing and screening with broad screens and then hand-picking encouraging-looking pebbles. Corundum originates in metamorphic marbles that have largely weathered away. This is the source of the world’s finest rubies.

 Ruby from Myanmar is famous for its exceptional coloring. The color of Ruby ranges from bright red to dark reddish-brown. The most famous and preferred color is a deep blood red with a slightly bluish hue. Such color is known as “Pigeon Blood Red” color. Natural, untreated rubies of such deep color are extremely rare and may cost a fortune.

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